To Prorogue, pro & con.

Proroguing the UK Parliament to force through a no-deal Brexit, against the will of the UK Parliament.
Tell me more.

I reblogged a piece from Pride’s Purge recently.

My friend The Secular Jurist requested, quite rightly, further information upon which to form a judgement, in the form of questions.

Rather than repeat the words of those whose wisdom I have sought, I will provide links to sources rather more authoritative than I am. I hope that the following will provide a degree of enlightenment on this vexed topic.

Please read one, or some, or all these pieces. I think that one will find that they all point in the same direction; namely, that while proroguing Parliament is an annual event to tidy and reset the process of government, proroguing Parliament for the purpose of pushing through primary legislation of a contentious nature is a rare occurrence, one that pushes against the boundaries of the unwritten constitution underpinning the process and procedure of legislature in the United Kingdom.

Since everything in the Houses of Commons and of the Lords is ritualised, there is little happening therein which cannot but be regarded as symbolic.

A read through any of the linked sources will reveal the grave concern of many that the use of this power, or perhaps loss of power, to push through something against the will of our sovereign government, could cause catastrophic constitutional problems.

A previous Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has raised the possibility that the next Prime Minister might be the last. Another former PM, Sir John Major, has vowed to fight this matter through the courts. Of course, the Queen is above challenge; the PM is not.

Adding to the brew are those government Members of Parliament who are beginning to resign so that they are free to vote against their 274 colleagues on the “List of Shame.”

Sir Alan Duncan, a Foreign Office minister, has resigned in the last two hours. It is widely expected that the Chancellor of the Exchequer, second only to the Prime Minister, will soon be resigning on the issue of Boris Johnson becoming PM and taking these extraordinary measures to subvert the will of the elected, sovereign government.

In this, it should be remembered that one of the claims promulgated in support of the British Exit from the European Union was the return of sovereignty to the UK Parliament; this rings hollow when one of the chief architects of the British Exit will, on his elevation to Prime Minister, subvert the will of Parliament.

As a final note, the Prime Minister will have been elected by approximately 0.25% of the population.

I just wish we had more sun here and that the bananas grew liberally on trees here.

Continue reading “To Prorogue, pro & con.”

Sad Little England.

GOGWIT IS FEELING annoyed and downbeat today, this brief blog is the substance of what is getting under my skin.

I was born 10 minutes walk from the centre of Birmingham. I have never driven and my passport expired in the early 90s, I did not replace it, there seemed no need.

Fortunately I have my birth certificate.

Even so, a growing number of situations require production of valid photo ID and it is then that we encounter the true meaning of the “insolence of office” which is stressful in the extreme and which pushes me – yes, me – to the verge of losing my temper – which would be unfortunate, embarrassing and rather unpleasant.

But at least I do not have to prove, in addition, my residence status over several decades, failure to comply potentially resulting in losing employment, being detained or even being deported.

Compared to the trials being experienced by the so called “Windrush Generation” my problems seem insignificant.
They do not seem so when some functionary is required to tick boxes for documents I do not possess.

There is so much that is good about this country to be proud of and to rejoice in and celebrate.

However, the way this country has, in recent years, treated so many of its subjects of Commonwealth and New Commonwealth heritage is not among those matters for celebration. It is a matter for shame, it is a blemish and it summarises, most succinctly, where we are wrong and could do so much better.

Today, our Prime Minister apologised publicly to Commonwealth Heads of Governments for this outrageous state of affairs, until recent days UK Home Office policy. The current Home Secretary has already had to backtrack, in Parliament, on this toxic legacy from the days when the current Prime Minister was the then Home Secretary.

Fine words are, well, fine words but alone they butter few parsnips. Harm has already been done and action is required to make amends and to resolve this issue. There were fine words issued after the Manchester concert bombing.
There was an outpouring of fine words following the Grenfell Tower fire, so dreadful that one only need say “Grenfell” and everyone knows exactly what one is talking about; vanishingly few of the issues have been addressed and resolved, few of the promises have been delivered.

We often hear the call to “make a bonfire of the red tape” by which is commonly meant the checks, balances, safeguards and protocols that protect us from unscrupulous exposure to unsound and dangerous processes.

I would like to call for a bonfire of the red tape used to discriminate, deter and debar those resident in this land from living and thriving in productive and happy lives.


April 2018, (c)

This is an opinion piece; it represents my views and was created as a sole enterprise.

About this GDPR you may have heard of…

DIGITAL INFORMATION and the marketisation of such has become commonplace in our times. The headlines at present (Q1, 2018-19) have been dominated by Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and other data harvesting outfits.

Back in your living room and my kitchen, when the blood stops boiling and the bile is spent, take a sober look at to whom else you have freely doled out your personal information and ask the question: just what do they have on you, how much of it is current or accurate.

What do they do with it, besides sending you personalised offers and nuisance phone calls risibly wide of the mark?

Gogwit’s Blog is pleased to reproduce DebtCamel‘s useful and informative article on how to review and to challenge, have corrected or deleted, data the many organisations in your life hold about you.

Interested? Follow the link at the head of this page for the low down.

Young People Respond to the Strike by Teachers in London, UK.

It is my pleasure, and privilege, to share the following link with you.
Islington Community Theatre – 17 October 2013
It is a different response to the strike by teachers in London which took place on 17 October 2013CE.
Please watch, please comment, please share.

Gogwit – The Gogwit.

#June27 UK Teachers Begin Escalated Action in North-West England.

#JUNE27 UK Teachers Begin Escalated Action in NW.

NASUWT and NUT members in the North-West of England escalate their industrial action from action short of strike to strike action. Teachers from the two largest teaching unions – which have put aside historical differences to campaign on a common front, in solidarity, against the education policies of the UK Government, a coalition of the otherwise unelectable Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties, which aim to privatise and otherwise dismantle the UK’s famous universal free state education system.
This region, also badly hit by the Coalition’s other Austerity-driven socially divisive policies, sees the launch of a campaign of such escalated action on 27 June 2013CE.

Messages of support:
Twitter: #June27 #strike #solidarity #teacherstogether
Use the hashtags – be great to get the action trending!

Click the image for further details of the action.

Dear Mr Gove…

Teaching Assistants – we are not talking about a ‘mum’s army’ of unqualified staff replacing qualified teachers in a ‘race to the bottom, never mind the cut – feel the width’ pared down education system but an experienced and valued asset that makes the delivery of high quality, inclusive and relevantly differentiated education by experienced and well-qualified professional teachers achievable and affordable.

Plans to cut £4bn by axing teaching assistants make no sense, says special needs teacher Cherryl Drabble in the Guardian.


UNISON Launches Campaign to Protect Teaching Assistant Posts.

UNISON, the public sector trade union issued this advisory on their website on Monday 17 June 2013, arising from their conference.

This follows on the GMB pledge to campaign to protect its Teaching Assistant members at its conference in May and along with this 38Degrees petition by a teacher who values her TA support.

TAs are often considered to be a soft-option for cutting costs.  With widening public support, that may become something of a misconception.



10 Reasons why…

10 Reasons why...

10 reasons why the NUT and NASUWT have put aside historical differences to defend our education system.


We Are The Many

Hope Not Hate

The HOPE Not Hate community -I you guys — are incredible. Yesterday, more than 36,000 people signed the pro-hope, anti-EDL letter published in today’s Daily Mirror. THANK YOU. (That number includes your name, Ben.) 

But today is the day that counts. Today, there will be racist marches across Britain. We must, must make our voices louder than the ignorant hatemongers out on the streets. Their intolerant Britain is not our Britain. We are the many. 

There are four things you can do right now to stand in solidarity with us. I’ve done them myself, and they take all of a few minutes. They matter. Will you do as many as you can? 

1. Speak out on on Twitter 

Tweet this message:

The EDL are marching today, but they don’t speak for Britain — or for me. Unite with us against hate: #WeAreTheMany

2. Speak out on Facebook 

Share our graphic:

Facebook graphic: Today the EDL march for hate. They do not speak for Britain. They do not speak for me. 

3. Stand in solidarity: change your Facebook or Twitter profile picture

First, right click the image below and choose “save as”. 

Then click here to change your profile picture on Twitter or click here to change it on Facebook. 


4. Finally: please forward this email to as many people as possible!

You reached the end and did them all! You’re amazing — thank you. 

— Eddie



Swedish Free School Operator to Close – A Warning to UK Education Policymakers?

Is this the shape of things to come for UK education?

It would seem that the free school experiment in Sweden is collapsing leaving a real mess all around.  The wheels have come off in Sweden: Is it time to ground the fleet?