I’m on my war horse

I’m on my war horse

— Read on berylkingstonblog.wordpress.com/2018/07/31/im-on-my-war-horse/

I share this without comment beyond saying it is worth the read, and is a worthwhile read.


You are absolutely right to say that the US President is wrong to consider this, and other investigations a disaster for the nation.
I have always admired, from my side of the Pond, the way that Americans are not too proud, arrogant or plain afraid to turn out theit dirty laundry onto the table; or shine a light into dark, squalid recesses with the intention of finding a better way going forward; to attempt to find a formula which yields a measure of justice and restitution. The US President is an exemplar of a strand of arrogant braggadocio. America, as a nation, also knows humility, which is a great strength for an honest democracy.
Many here in the U.K. with whom I share ideas and principles in common, called for protest, rallies, marches against the visit of the US President. My feeling is that he is a guest, the head of state from one democracy visiting a friendly democratic nation. I find the President ugly and unpalatable in his views and demeanour, as I do the current government of my country. This side of the Atlantic we can elect a new government. And in the USA, the Americans will have the opportunity to effect change.
Trump is the problem and the responsibility of the American people.

Filosofa's Word

I just love starting Monday in a haze of white-hot fury.  The Washington Post headline reads:

Putin Again Denies Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election; Trump Calls Probe a ‘Disaster for Our Country’

It comes as no surprise that Putin denies interference … nobody with half a brain thought he would admit it, but no matter, for there is more than ample hard fact-based evidence that he did.  But for Trump to call the investigation a “disaster for our country”???  NO … NO NO NO NO NO!  The investigation is essential and the only thing that gives us hope we might get rid of the real disaster: Trump himself!  I am in a white hot fury over his asininity!

Putin:  … Russian state has never interfered and is not going to interfere in internal American affairs.

Trump:  There was no collusion. I didn’t know the president. There…

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